Lukas Geschwind
SomatiC Coaching | Sexological Bodywork | Workshops | Artistic Practices

about me
Life artist and researcher of Vital Forces
“I think of Life as a continuous flow of movement. A never ending dance, a non-linear journey, a beautiful chaos that seeks for order and is falling apart when its found. A pulsation, a rhythm, a heartbeat, a breath we take. I want to dance it together. I wish for a world were we feel safe enough to move in more freely. Safe enough, that our movement can be an expression of who we are and want to be in this world.”
My work moves at the transitions from artistic creation, socio-political activism, community work, ritual practices and personal-transformative coaching processes.
Copyright/Photos: 1st left by Michal Wojtarowicz, 2nd by Diethild Meier, 3rd and 4th by Christoph Plünnecke
Somatic Coaching
Listening Deeply, sensing your inner Change, Berlin and online
Somatic Coaching encourages you to tune into your own inner intelligence and open up gateways to new possibilities, meeting life more ressourced in whatever stage you are in.You can use somatic coaching formats for your own developmental process as well as in relational constellations to bring more clarity in conflicting dynamics and repetitive patterns.

Copyright/Photo by Diethild Meier

Sexological Bodywork
Connection, Creativity, Pleasure and self-empowerment, Berlin and Online
Sexological Bodywork is a method to accompany people in topics around their sexuality and questions of intimacy. With years of personal and professional experience I offer and hold space for the vulnarabilities that might come up when tapping into these sensitive areas of our being. Furthermore there is room to explore the potentials of expansion and empowerment that might be accessed through owning and getting to know more of your erotic, sensual and sexual being…
Containers for more enlivenment
A way to experience self in a held and framed setting. Exploring, (un)learning, changing, distracting, attracting, questioning and expanding through the stimulation of outside impulses as well as the reflection of a whole group. Workshops as laboratory situations… What do you find there and what do you want to implement in your life?

Copyright/Photo by Michat Wojtarowicz
"Eine energetische Begegnung mit mir und anderen, dem Space und Objekten um mich herum, wild und sanft, aphrodisierend, Perspektiv erweiternd. Ein Container zum gemisam sein, erleben, bewegen, aufladen - Gleichzeitig ganz bei mir für mich. Liebe für die Playlist und das grandios humorvolle Format!"
Workshop "Bumstarot"
Anna T.
"Vielen vielen Dank fürs Dranbleiben, für deine Mühe, auch die schwierigen und weit auseinandergehenden Bedürfnisse zu halten, und die echt professionelle Art von Orga und Moderation."
Group Coaching Process
Maximilian G.
"Lukas hat uns einen Raum und ein Gespräch ermöglicht, in dem tiefliegende Wünsche und Emotionen an die Oberfläche kommen durften und wir in einem respektvollen Miteinander unsere Situation betrachten konnten.Wir haben zu einer neuen Kommunikation gefunden und Ruhe und Vertrauen zurück gewonnen. Inzwischen sind wir als Kompanie gewachsen und spüren neuen Wind und Freude auf die Zukunft!"
Coachingprocess with Giro Grande
Lea L.
"Es war für mich eine sehr interessante und schöne Erfahrung. Ich habe viel über mich gelernt, konnte aus mir heraus kommen und habe das Gefühl, einige Zusammenhänge bewusster wahrnehmen zu können.
Workshop zum Thema Körperintelligenz
"Ich war so begeistert von deinem Humb Workshop…Die Erweckung von Kundalini, geframt mit soviel Spaß und Freude :D"
Hump up the Jam Workshop
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